Friday, August 31, 2007

14 months

Fourteen Months.

I am no physicist. But still I can tell you that the aforementioned figure is an outrageously long period relative to the time we live on earth.
Yes, Faithful reader. 14 month have passed since the last etch on this blog. A lot has changed since then. The schoolkid who wrote the last post now lies dead somewhere. May lord above give peace to the soul. Who killed him. A nefarious figure named 'The Don'. Who gave him this name. He does not know. Does he like this name. Well, no (Hell, he was even addressed as the Don in the class during a class debate by the street smart moderator) . He never had much liking for any name given by anyone except the name he was baptized with. Arnab. Well he did find some timely solace when one of his good friends (Correction; his best friend) called him with the name he had chosen for his email address in consonance with the ghastly American practice of shortening names. Why was he been given this new name by which he is known now?
He does not know. Someone once said a man is known by his company. Maybe the company
overshadowed his true self. Yes, he thus killed the child in himself corrupted by the voices in his head.

But, did the child die. One does not think so. One thinks the reincarnated David will once again rise from his ashes to slay the formidable Goliath in himself. Because as has been the popular subject of literature (including Harry Potter) the power of love will surely exorcise all evils.

P.S: Lord, Can you hear me. Have mercy on my soul.